23rd , 24th , 25th August, 2019 @ BMICH

Should Writing be Augmented by AI Tools in College?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is drastically transforming various aspects of our daily lives, and the field of academic writing isn't an exception. Many are considering whether or not students should use AI writing tools in their learning process. This article will explore the implications of AI in the academic context, focusing on how AI writing tools can potentially influence the quality of student essays and prose. It may also address some of the concerns raised by faculty members and university professors regarding the use of these AI tools.

Understanding AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools utilize sophisticated algorithms and large data sets to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. These tools can offer assistance to students struggling with starting their essays or getting past writer's block. But as beneficial as they may seem, the question remains: could their widespread use undermine the learning outcomes of a college writing course?

Pros and Cons of AI Writing Tools

AI writing tools could potentially help students learn how to structure their Human vs. Machine: Is Using AI to Write Essays Cheating?, develop coherent arguments, and improve their overall writing skills. However, some professors, such as those in writing and rhetoric at the university, are concerned that students may become too reliant on these tools, thus failing to develop critical thinking and original thought, crucial aspects of the writing process.

The Student's Perspective

On the other hand, students may view these AI tools as a necessary aid, especially when dealing with large course loads or when they're trying to improve their writing style. It's important to remember that the ultimate goal of any writing tool should be to enhance student learning rather than replace it.

The Professor's Take

Professor Underwood, a professor of writing and rhetoric, voiced his concerns stating that "students could become overly dependent on AI, negating the importance of mastering the art of writing." He emphasizes that writing is more than just a structured task; it's a form of self-expression that AI may not fully capture.

The Future of College Writing

As AI continues to evolve, so will its role within our educational institutions. Perhaps, in the future, universities will need to find creative ways to incorporate these AI tools without compromising the learning outcomes of their writing courses. It's a delicate balance that needs to be struck, and the conversation is just beginning.

AI in the Broader Educational Landscape

Beyond the context of college students, AI tools may find a place in high school, middle school, and even elementary education. They could offer writing assistance to students at various levels, potentially reshaping how we perceive the writing process.

Do's and Don'ts of AI Writing Tools

Here are some guidelines to help students and instructors navigate the use of AI writing tools effectively. Do use them as a learning aid, not as a crutch. Don't let AI write your entire essay; it should enhance your work, not replace it. Do take the feedback from AI with a grain of salt; remember, it's not human and may not fully understand nuanced aspects of human writing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can AI writing tools replace human writing? AI can certainly generate coherent text, but it lacks the ability to think critically and reflect human experiences in the way humans do. Therefore, it should not replace human writing.
  2. Are AI writing tools allowed in colleges? This depends on the college's policies. Some may allow it as a learning aid, while others may discourage its use.
  3. Do AI writing tools help improve writing skills? They can help with aspects like grammar and structure, but skills like argumentation and critical thinking should be developed personally.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, AI writing tools offer promising benefits to student writing, but they also pose challenges to the educational landscape. Ultimately, the key is to ensure that these tools enhance, not hinder, the learning process. Whether it's in college or in lower educational tiers, the conversation around AI and writing is ongoing, and we should all be part of it. So, what do you think? Should writing be augmented by AI in college?

Useful Resources: https://thegameroof.com/using-video-games-in-the-classroom-leveling-up-education-in-a-technological-era/

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